060430 Stanage Popular

Overview - A quick day out to nip up a few shorter routes before heading up to Leeds for a "Breaking Up" party. Odd thought, fun reality! Good cool day with bright sun. Solo-ed virtual all of the Mantelpiece buttress area first - it's a great warm-up if you lead above E1. But then...

The 3-D Wall (E2 6a):

Led - I reached the crux whilst playing around on the easier solos, and instantly ran down the next door chimney to grab a rope. You get great gear for a hard mantel-ish reach between breaks, and can then run up to the small, unsuspicious roof. And stop dead. The top-out might catch a few out - see Right Unconquerable!

Guillible's Travels (1* E1 5b):

Led - I was looking at Randolf Cheerleader (E3 6a), but decided against trying it with a belayer on only his second day out climbing... Perhaps for the same reason, this route feel far harder than I remember it being. Almost made me feel sorry for putting Rich Hall on it.